Friday, February 15, 2008

Lost Personality Quiz

I'll be honest, I'm little bit ashamed here. I was kind of hoping for Jack or Locke. Maybe even Desmond I suppose. But so what if I'm girl. I'd rather be Claire, than Charlie or Hugo--easily my least two favorite characters.

Aside from shaming me, this quiz is bogus. But click away, I suppose it's kind of fun.


Siege said...

Turns out I am Charlie. A bit torn about that result but at least he went out like a hero, so...

Anonymous said...

I'm the one that "lost" interest after the seemingly pointless episode featuring the black fog monster in the jungle that was never really resolved (yet) and forgotten about.

Sorry. I know you all love the show, and I get that. The premise is cool. But I have little patience for that much unresolved mystery beyond a good three hour movie. It's a personal failing of mine, I agree.

Anonymous said...

Hello Son: Well, it's like father, like son. Just call me Claire the Third! We're at least unique, only 5% of us were rated as Claires'! What a nice thing to do on a Friday evening. I'll check out the rest of your blog, loving ya, Dad

unavailable said...

I'm Locke....jealous?