Monday, July 9, 2007

Winnebago and the Bronx

Joba Chamberlain (JAH-buh) is a former pitcher for the Nebraska Cornhuskers and one of the top prospects in the Yankee farm system, not to mention one of the top prospects in all of minor league baseball according to ESPN Insider’s Keith Law. In reviewing the Yankees minor league system, Baseball America ranks Chamberlain their #4 prospect.

The Omaha World Herald, my hometown newspaper, profiled Chamberlain this past weekend (find it here). In the piece it talks of his roots. Turns out Joba’s father, Harlan, is a Winnebago Indian. Now, I think I profile as a classic caucasian American. I don’t have a strong ethnic identity. In fact, I have no clue when my European ancestors arrived here. However, my grandfather, was almost 100% Native-American, Winnebago, that is. He was raised on the reservation. We (his children and grandchildren) even served an entire meal to guests, and members of the reservation, at a powwow in his honor.

What does this have to do with Joba Chamberlain? Well, the way I figure it, we are basically brothers. I figure by 2009, I should have season tickets to Yankees Games. Go Joba!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Mr. Cook. I found your observations most interesting and thanks for sharing. The experience of a person's first powow is profound. The Winnebaggo are such humble people. They have a special place in my heart and spirit! In fact, I even married a wonderful Indian handmaiden, who became your mother. Loving ya, DAD